One of the joys of discipleship is the opportunity to share our God-given gifts and abilities in the context of the church and its kingdom's work. Several years ago, after many hours of prayer, discussions and meetings with the Deacons and Stewards, we proposed a new platform for service that we believe would allow our folks to fulfill their faith and share their passion to do God's work. We have seen how this new structure has enhanced our faith, our worship, our service opportunities to the community and the opportunity to involve new people in these avenues.
We proposed three fundamental changes from our traditional structure. First, we proposed that many, but not all the committees under the constitution, be refocused as teams. Second, there won't be a nominating committee to fill a team roster- members simply sign up for the team they would like to serve on. Third, new teams can be added by filling out a request form and submitting it to the Leadership Branch for approval. Anytime someone has a good idea to serve a cause or need and is willing to pursue it, the members should be made aware of it to allow others to join the effort. On the other hand, elimination or consolidation of teams that don't have enough people to sign up to carry out the objectives of a team will be done.
The leadership of the church would remain in the hands of duly elected servants and administrative committees with term limits and traditional responsibilities. The Deacons and Stewards will have additional responsibilities of overseeing the teams and their work. Deacons and Stewards will continue to be elected and serve their normal terms.
The branches above describe each of the teams of the church. Many functions of the church should and will continue to be served by committees making up the Administrative Branch. The rest of the work by the church will be carried out by teams in the Worship Branch, Missions and Outreach Branch, Congregational Life Branch and Educational Branch.
We hope that you will prayerfully consider where God is calling you to serve in the work of Trinity Baptist Church. Our goal is to have every member involved in God's work and in the area of ministry that they are both comfortable and excited about.
Together we can make a bigger difference in the community of Christ.